Coffee Recipes


Look forward to wonderful coffee recipes

Coffee aficionados find more and more pleasure in popular international recipes.

The Dieckmann Aroma Kaffee system now provides you with the unique possibility to prepare top-quality coffee specialities. Here are some suggestions for coffee recipes:



For normal Espresso, use 7,5 to 8 g of finely ground Espresso coffee per 60 ml of beverage.


Caffè ristretto

This is the smallest member of the Espresso coffee family. It is particularly strong and has only half the fluid quantity.



A true Cappuccino has a volume of approximately 120 to 200 ml, with one third Espresso and two thirds hot milk foam.


Caffè corretto

This is an Espresso "corrected" by a splash of Grappa, brandy or liqueur.


Latte macchiato

This is the name of a beverage made of Espresso and a splash of hot/frothed milk. The name "macchiato" comes from it’s speckled appearance.



This is a Viennese-style Cappuccino. It is made of Espresso, hot milk, topped by a generous serving of whipped cream.


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